Terms & Conditions

All patrons who partake in AXE THROWING at P.A.C.’S AXE THROWING are REQUIRED to fill out a Waiver & Release of Liability prior to throwing any axes and are REQUIRED to wear closed-toed shoes, no exceptions. Please submit the waiver prior to arrival and show up a few minutes early to check-in. The Waiver is available to be filled out and signed, just click here.

WE CANNOT ALLOW ANYONE INSIDE THE AXE HOUSE UNDER THE AGE OF 12 YEARS OLD FOR INSURANCE AND LEGAL REASONS. Please leave the young kids at home. Absolutely NO outside food, drink or chewing tobacco allowed inside the axe house.


As a general rule, we DO NOT refund reservations. We are happy to work with you to reschedule your booking.

No Call, No Show

You will not receive a refund if you miss your reservation and fail to contact us in any way.  We will ALWAYS call you 10 minutes into your rental time to make sure you are coming.